project 366

Day 29: Clarity.

Generally speaking, I am the worst meditator in the world. My mind is always buzzing with something. Years of multitasking means a lack of focus.

So, when I’m in yoga class and the instructor goes, “Still your mind and focus on your breath,” I do anything but. I also don’t have deep, calming thoughts. I mostly think of how sore I will be the next morning.

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project 366

Day 26: Quote.

It’s not quite 9 p.m. yet and I’m already lying in bed, ready to go to sleep.

So, one quote before I go (bonus points if you get that reference):

I guess if true love was easy, we’d all have it.

From my new favorite show, Once Upon A Time, because I’m sappy when I’m sleepy.

project 366

Day 24: Experience.

Today is a two post kind of day, since the last week and a half has been full of no posts kind of days.

A year ago (or so), I was up at the Capitol, helping cover State of the Union. I sat in the Senate press gallery with another RCer then went down to Statuary Hall to catch Members for reactions post speech. The big talk was bipartisan seating and the Members were wearing ribbons in honor of Gabby Giffords.

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project 366

Day whatever: Yuppie.

So I completely failed at blogging in the last week. I admit it.

But in my defense, it was a busy week. I left my job at Roll Call, started a new one at Greenwire, went to the goodbye party of a friend who was moving back to Germany, went to another party that was 1920s-themed, volunteered at the Museum of Unnatural History for the first time, yelled angrily about modern art, etc.

But the recaps are for later. Or Twitter.

Right now, I only have short story to share.

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